Wednesday, September 23, 2020

God is a Sustainer

 Infusions of Faith

"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."  Isaiah 46:4 NIV

I have to remember this important truth...God is a sustainer.

Recently a few family members have accepted new positions at their organizations. They had little time between the interviews and having to make a decision on an offer. For one person they will have to move across the country. Fortunately, they will be moving closer to home. The other has received a position that restores them to a salary reminiscent of what they had made five or so years ago. Through it all, God has carried them and sustained and their families.

An associate is facing health challenges, along with the internal struggles, concerns about work, and worries about who will be there to assist during recovery. Yet another person is basking in the joys of having a young baby and sharing the excitement of young parenthood. Though both are overwhelmed with sleepless nights, God is a sustainer. All of the above are in situations that cause real concerns and life decisions.

Each of their experiences reminds me of the highs and lows that make up life. I am surprised at how quickly life can change. One minute it feels as if we are riding high and the next it feels like we are treading water, praying to keep our heads above water. At times this can be frustrating.

God declares that He is a sustainer. Through job transitions and medical trials, He is a sustainer. In the throws of marital discord, He is a sustainer. In the miracle of a relationship restored, He is a sustainer.  In the loss of a child, to the streets, to their anger, or to drugs, He is a sustainer. When your heart swells with emotions too grand to contain, He is a sustainer.

I think it was David, the psalmist, who said that he would have fainted unless he had confidence that he would see God’s goodness while he was alive. I echo that statement. Life is good, until suddenly it seems like it isn’t. In these times of swift change at work, church and during the pandemic, I feel that I am fast approaching another major transition in my life; this is where things usually go haywire. It is my prayer that I do not forget his promise to sustain me. God knows his plans for me and He has guided me safely thus far.

James Cleveland said,” I don’t believe that he brought me this far to leave me.”  I join him in declaring this as well. I am also reminded of the old folks saying,” I guess I’ll run on to see what the end will be.”  When I get drained and tired like I am right now, it is easy to forget that life is made up of these ups and downs. This is life. I am not waiting for life to happen. I am living life now and my attitude and “heart-a-tude” are impacted by my ability to remember that He is sustaining me. Even now.


Key Thoughts

·         Life is what happens now, not just later. God is concerned about everything you experience. 

·         We need a sustainer when we feel we can’t make it on our own. We may not always feel like God is with us, but He is.


I Don’t’ Feel No ways Tired by James Cleveland

 The One – God is our Sustainer (Video)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks dear friends. There's nothing like receiving a "pick me up" in the middle of a strength draining experience to spur you on to continue on your journey. God bless you!
