Wednesday, July 15, 2020

To Be Free....From Bitterness

Infusions of Faith

Jonella Gaines is our guest blogger this week.  She is a daughter of God, a minister and teacher, a wife, mother and grandmother, an advocate and author, and a creative soul that loves painting, designing and making custom jewelry and accessories. She is lover of people and sincere friend to many. This week she shares her thoughts on God's ability to soften a bitter heart and change a bad situation!

Ruth, chapter 1, verses 19C – 21 (AMP)

…and the women asked, “Is this Naomi?” 20 She said to them, “Do not call me Naomi (sweetness); call me Mara (bitter), for the Almighty has caused me great grief and bitterness. 21 I left full [with a husband and two sons], but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi, since the Lord has testified against me and the Almighty has afflicted me?”

From Bitterness to Prosperity

If we are honest with ourselves, we will confess that bitterness and darkness do not feel good. Often during times of bitterness or sorrow, we may even ache physically, spiritually and mentally. No matter how hard we search, we can’t seem to find joy or happiness anywhere. In anger, over real or perceived losses, we can even feel like we are losing our mind.

At one time or another in our lives - we’ve all had bitterness, darkness or adversities. The reasons for bitterness are varied and multi-faceted: broken relationships with friends or family, abuse (of any kind), death, and loss of any kind can all birth bitterness in the heart. In Naomi’s life, she was a woman who had it all and lost it all. When any of these situations happen, we may only see dim reflections of the person or life we once knew.

Naomi’s grief and loss were complex and spanned many years of her life. Her heart was broken into so many pieces that she identified with her pain and suffering so much that she lost her original identify and wanted to change her name. She had no one to advocate or fight on her behalf in her older years. In addition:

a.                          She was an outsider (living as a resident alien in a foreign country).

b.                          She was widowed too early.

c.                           She lost both of her sons.

d.                          She was left without provision.

e.                          As a mother-in-law, she was unable to provide for her daughters-in-law, and eventual one                 left her.

f.                            She had no grandchildren and no prospects of any.

g.                          She returned home so poor that her remaining daughter-in-law had to fall back on the                    welfare system of that day.

Who can relate to her? I know I can in some ways. Even as I relate to her pain, I can also relate to her joy! During times of despair, there’s always the opportunity for hope, love and joy! In the middle of her struggles, the Lord brought a relative (a kinsmen redeemer) named Boaz to her family’s aid. Boaz fell in love with Ruth, her widowed daughter-in-law, and he provided for Naomi while also giving her a grandson in her old age. In time, God turned her mourning into dancing and her sorrow into joy.

In the middle of my pain, God brought peace, clarity, hope and a renewed zest for living. Have you ever seen God redeem your time and give you a new life you thought you'd may never have again?

Just like Naomi, I received the blessings of God as I was carried through dark seasons to a deeper sense of God’s:

a.      Love;

b.      Faithfulness;

c.       Kindness;

d.      Integrity;

e.      Prosperity &

f.        Sovereignty.

No matter what you are going through, I encourage you to stay the course and allow God to transform the bitterness, grief and disappointment you’ve experienced. He is more than able! God shows His love and faithfulness to us because He predetermined to do so.

Be encouraged! There is always light at the end of our struggles because the Son continues to shine in our lives and on us.

Key Insights

We all will experience a time when bitterness is easy to embrace, but God's grace, faithfulness and strength will carry us through it.

God is in the middle of your pain - He hasn't abandoned you.

There is hope and light at the end of your struggle; bitterness can turn into joy!


1 comment:

  1. I am encouraged to live in hope partly because of your blog, Jonella Gaines. Thank you for sharing such time-honored truths. Blessings of Peace. BAB
