Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Overcoming and Becoming

Living requires and demands many things from each of us. As we are faced with challenges and we are graced with times of success we can be caught in the tension between “overcoming” and “becoming.”  We hope that you agree with us that there are many twists, turns, surprises, disappointments and joys in life. You don’t have to live long before you are introduced to the various textures, tints, and tastes of life.  In the next series of blog posts, we want to explore the concepts of overcoming and becoming.  Join us as we explore life together.

Infusions of Faith

Simply Becoming 

Beloved ones,[a] don’t remain as immature children in your reasoning. As it relates to evil, be like newborns, but in your thinking be mature adults.” I Cor. 14:20

Right now I am on a journey to simplify my life. Jill and I  have been spending the last few weeks weeding through old books, clothes, papers, etc. Sometimes it feels like we are on an archaeological dig discovering the remnants of lost societies. Would you believe that we have papers that were older than our children? That’s more than twenty some odd years ago.  

Going through all of these things is tiring. It is taking more time and effort than I desire to give it at this time but we need to get this done sooner rather than later. I have had cause to stop to think about how many times we’ve moved before and since the kids were born. I count 7 times. I’m also thinking about how many times we have moved these pieces of paper (mind you, we have not needed these papers even once in all this time). However, we have toted these papers place to place and room to room.  

As we simplify our residence,  I am also thinking about what is resident within my life that needs to be pared down and simplified. Right off the bat, I can think of a few things that I have carried for decades;  unrealistic expectations of myself and others, childhood dreams of how the world should be, or what my life should be like at “this age.” These items have been way back on a shelf in my heart. The Lord has also helped me to see that there is a box full of anger stuffed away in the corner of my heart. It's been in my heart so long, I often forget why I get short with Jill and the girls when they ask me a simple question.  

Yes, there are still other items in my heart that need to be downsized. My overly optimistic view of certain things that I use as a defense mechanism, and the excuses I have used to deflect responsibility for growing and maturing in certain areas. It can be frustrating sometimes when I come across these outdated artifacts from yesteryear that still influence my today. There are still many other things that need to be thrown away.    

I suppose this would be a great opportunity to cast my cares on to the Lord. I know that many of these items are sensitive and feed into old wounds, so I need His care in dealing with them. It may also be the right time to humble myself before the Lord and ask for his wisdom so that I can be honest with myself even when it hurts (I realize that I am good at hiding from myself sometimes).  

We are forced to clean out our house at this time. Our daughters are coming back home for a year or two and we need to make room. It’s a good thing -- cleaning out the closets of my heart is a good thing too.  As I go through this process I am mindful that I have not “arrived.”  I am grateful  and thankful that I can say that I am “becoming.” I am becoming what God wants me to be. I am praying to become more like Christ.                                                                           

Key Themes:

1. What is God asking you to "de-clutter"from your heart or life?

2. Simplify your life.  Be honest about what needs to change.

3. In what areas of life do you need to mature and grow?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the analogy of natural cleaning out to spiritual cleaning out. I'm using the key themes to help me to focus & give me a process of how to go about this. Also, Taking the opportunity to lean on the care & wisdom of The Holy Spirit, as I deal with the sensitive wounds that I'd just rather shut the closet door on & walk away.
    J. Melson
